Career Day | MLS

Career Day

17 Mar 2025

At MLS we strive to prepare our students for life beyond graduation through a range of initiatives, including Career Day. On this special occasion,  our students are invited to dream, inquire and learn about different career opportunities. 

During Career day, students will:


  • Be exposed to a variety of career pathways and jobs
  • Have the opportunity to dress up in any special attire to represent the profession that they aspire to pursue in the future
  • Have the chance to share interesting information about the career of their choice
  • Meet with professionals and interview them to deepen their understanding on a range of workplace pathways
  • Participate in activities to deepen their knowledge on a wide range of professions


We would like to encourage parents to volunteer as guest speakers to share their career journey with students. This will provide students an opportunity to expand their knowledge and develop even stronger connections within the MLS community.



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